Nokia 6620 - . Device manager

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Options in Device manager are



New profile


Edit profile


Delete profile




Disable configurations


View log



, and



When you need help with difficult phone configurations, Device manager allows
a third party, such as your service provider, to assist you directly with phone settings.
To allow device management, your phone must establish a connection and synchronize
with the third party’s server. You can start the synchronization session from your
phone, and you can accept or reject server-initiated synchronization attempts.

A device manager profile must be defined before you can connect to a server.
The third party who is assisting you can help define the profile settings:

Server name—Display name of the server

Server ID—Remote device manager server ID

Server password—Password used in server alerts. Enter the password that must be
provided by the device manager server when synchronizing with your phone.

Access point—Internet access point your phone uses to establish the server connection.
Choose from the list of access points defined in your phone. See "Access points" on
page 59.

Host address—Device management server URL

Port—Device management server port

User name—Your user name for this profile

Password—Your password for this profile

Allow configuration—Device management allowed on this server. Select Yes or No.

Auto-accept all regs.—Automatic or approved device management on this server.
Select Yes to allow synchronization without your verification, or select No to verify
each synchronization attempt.

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Nokia 6620 User Guide


Copyright © 2004 Nokia
