Outbox is a temporary storage place for messages that are waiting to
be sent. Status of the messages in Outbox are as follows:
Sending—A connection is being made and the message is being sent.

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Waiting or Queued—When there are two similar types of messages in Outbox, one
of them is waiting until the first one is sent.
Resend at (time)—Sending has failed. The phone will try to send the message again
after a time-out period. Press Send if you want to restart the sending immediately.
Deferred—You can set documents to be on hold while they are in Outbox. Scroll
to a message that is being sent, and select Options > Defer sending.
Failed—The maximum number of sending attempts has been reached. If you were
trying to send a text message, open the message and check that the sending settings
are correct.
Select Messaging > Options > SIM messages.
Select Messaging > Options > Cell broadcast.
You may be able to receive messages on various topics, such as weather
or traffic conditions, from your service provider. For available topics and relevant
topic numbers, contact your service provider. In the main view you can see: